Smart Marketing with Maps

posted in: Map Marketing, Social Media | 0

Do you know just how easy it is to make sure your business shows up on Google and other maps – better still, to own & control it?

Then, how to integrate this with your web site or social media, and all the information potential customers will ever need on your products or services?

Importantly too, how to ensure it all works seamlessly on PCs, smartphones & pads?

If not, you’re missing out on a very large proportion of people searching for what you offer. When proximity is important, smart people search with smart maps first!

Whether a local pub or specialist manufacturer, there are lots of ways you can use maps to make a real difference to your business performance.

If you want to be ‘on the map’, we can show you lots of ways to make online cartography useful – to you, your staff and most importantly, your customers.

There’s a great deal you can do with maps

In this simple example, we’ll look at how anyone running a tourism related business (in this case a rural gîte) can inform and reassure prospective customers by highlighting the facilities on their doorstep.

We’ll take it as a certainty that we’ve already marked and linked the business location to Google and perhaps other map services.

Now, while they’re still contemplating booking, they can check everything from the real world proximity of shops, restaurants, bars and anything else of interest – it helps them say “yes” that’s right for us.

When location, location, location is important, this is efficient & fun to do.

It provides a real world taster for anyone planning on visiting, and now you can add new information any time, and develop the map in different ways without having to start from scratch.

It works perfectly on pads and smartphones, so taken ‘on the road’ it’s a ready reference for the any tourist.

Whatever your business type, we can almost certainly think of an effective means of using maps in your marketing mix..

We can help you get off to a fast start with custom maps. Just contact us and let’s Get Map Marketing!

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