Why do a Blog?

A well-planned blog element is a direct route to social media success. Click to enlarge.

There’s still a degree of myth & misunderstanding about the relevance of including a blog in your business website, so let’s clear that old chestnut up.

In the early days of the modern internet age, many content management systems (CMS) such as WordPress and Blogger were commonly known as ‘blogs’ (a contraction of weblog) or blogging platforms. Thus they were initially synonymous with tiresome geeks writing about what they’d had for breakfast. Hardly inspiring stuff.

But very quickly, the advertising industry and their more savvy clients started picking up on the potential of using this simple software loop to mimic what had previously cost thousands in the form of printed company newsletters, product brochures, promotional literature and every other communication tool in the marketeers bag. And guess what, it worked like a charm!

They’d discovered that doing these things electronically not only cost infinitely less, but was becoming increasingly popular with their customers. Now, it’s overwhelmingly their de facto preference.

An Important Difference

  • WordPress posts are for time-related rolling news posts (new product news, success stories, anything that will interest your audience) and have a publish date. The can be categorised and searched in any corresponding way. You can easily produce them yourself.
  • WordPress pages are for timeless static content and don’t have a publish date. These are the essential info pages you’ll find in most menus, but can be edited, enhanced or added to at any time, by you.

They also found that it was a great way to reach new customers. Why? Because regular posts about products, promotions, success stories etc. could be automatically shared with any social media platform, reaching millions (or just the right people) in the process.

So there it is. From humble blogs about boring lives rose the multi-billion online industry we know today.

Interestingly, this can work for every type of business, no matter how niche or specialised. It’s just a question of having a clear content plan based on defined marketing goals. We can help you with that.

Meanwhile, here’s a by no mean exhaustive list of very good reasons to include a blog or rolling news element in your business website ..

  • Adding regular posts to your site makes you far more prominent on Google and all other search engines’ radar.
  • All it takes is a quality (or funny, amusing) photo – maybe a caption – that’s it! We always do some business relevant example approaches to get you started.
  • These can be automatically shared with any social media site or page – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram – we can advise and set them up properly for you.
  • You can target broad markets or more specific interest groups via social media – getting your message to just the right people.
  • Anyone who wants to see the bigger picture or read more will automatically visit your new, informative website. You’ll notice the difference in visitor numbers and it’s a great avenue into eMail marketing..
  • You can encourage ‘comments’ to get feedback from customers and quickly discover what they do or don’t like about your products or service – essentially free research.
  • A good, informative news feed about your products or services can build into a valuable long term resource for current and future customers – people look for answers on the internet – on anything & everything!

We can help you get started with a slick new WordPress website. Just contact us for a free estimate and we can start planning it now.

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